
Touch of yin & yang

This satellite looks like opposing meteors as it sails past the Delphinus quartet.

animated gif. 2.73mb
Lens 28mm. 40 second exposures
(click thumbnail for large version)


More flashes

Still no luck with capturing a Perseid meteor but this odd sequence of flashes appeared at bottom centre just before a passing aircraft came through the frame.

animated gif. 2.91mb
Lens 28mm. 40 second exposures
(click thumbnail for large version)


True & false

My previous post mentions noise artifacts that can be produced within the camera . These are relatively rare and initially had me thinking I was looking at some legitimate and very unusual objects until some dark frame tests revealed their true identity. It is quite a coincidence that my next session produced a satellite flash and a camera artifact close to each other on the same frame. This two satellite plus artifact sequence shares the frame with the distinctive quartet of stars in Delphinus.

animated gif. 2.38mb
Lens 28mm. 30 second exposures
(click thumbnail for large version)


A flash with CA

As we are now in the period when Perseid meteors are likely to appear I've decided to use my wider 28mm lens to stand more chance of picking one up. No luck so far with meteors but another mystery single flash was detected (visible lower right).
I have found that sometimes the camera itself can occasionally generate a bit of random noise (other than hot pixels) but such noise is quite easy to identify on enlargement. My 28mm lens suffers some CA around the edges when wide open which shows as offset spots of red. This particular object has an associated red spot so confirms it came via the lens.

animated gif. 1.49mb
Lens 28mm. 30 second exposures
(click thumbnail for large version)


A slow one

At 25 seconds per frame this object appears to be travelling relatively slowly. Its fleeting appearance here covers a period of around 4 minutes.

animated gif. 4.86mb
Lens 40mm. 25 second exposures
(click thumbnail for large version)